
Showing posts from November, 2012
Coming to the end of another Moscow evening. Long nights drawing out so that it stays light almost to eleven. Some good work today on the new film Vakhtangov and the Russian Theatre   . Really just in the early stages of pre production, script writing, collecting research materials etc but things starting to take on a rough shape. Over the weekend met with Slava who was the camera operator on two of the films in my series about the Russian Avant-garde - "Mayakovsky" and "Meyerhold Theatre and the Russian Avant-garde" in the Scandinavian restaurant. Restuarant which harks back to the mid 1990s but still maintains its allure as a meeting place for foreigners. One of its attractions is the beautiful shaded courtyard. This photo of Scandinavia is courtesy of TripAdvisor
Working on the script for  Vakhtangov film - going through the script step by step to bring together a full draft. Also thinking about widening the short pieces I have been doing called "Chekhov Country" which is a a kind of side project which takes in the process of actually making the films - going around different locations and filming short episodes which will feed into the whole series - kind of like additional information about Russian theatre from that period. Chekhov Country is a not essentially about Chekhov ( although a lot of it will involve Chekhov) but more about the theatre world of Russia. I would hope to give more of a simple flavour of the atmosphere and aura of Russia and its relationship to theatre and acting. When making a film there is a lot of stuff on the periphery which doesn't go into the film but all the same is there and has a validity, its part of the overall macrocosm which exists around a subject or topic. Therefore it is hard to isolate a...